The two of us were visiting a friend in a country that is spiritually resistant to Christianity. We were in a tea house during Ramadan watching people go to prayer and talking about what it’s like doing ministry in his city. “All my training in ministry, the seminars and conferences I’ve been to…none of it is connecting with people. You can’t create thriving churches here the way we were trained.” In the many years he had lived there, he had seen zero people come to Christ …
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God’s stories going where God is not worshiped…yet
God intended us to worship him. In many places, God continues to be unknown or to be one of many gods. What happens when people become aware of God speaking to them?
I just shared and told them the story of Jesus Christ. Most never hear Jesus name before. I observe this teaching style is one of the best teaching method to share the gospel. - Asian student visiting his village

All these years of doing church the way I learned, but I have not talked to people the way they learn. If we want to see the Muslims become Christians, we must speak so they want to listen.” - Pastor in North Africa